Jupiter Blue


Navighiamo in un mare incerto di colori e abbiamo a nostra disposizione buone mappe per orientarci. Ma fra le nostre mappe mentali e la realtà c’è la stessa distanza che fra le carte dei naviganti e la furia delle onde sulle rocce bianche delle scogliere dove volano i gabbiani.

Il fragile velo che è la nostra organizzazione mentale è poco più di uno strumento maldestro per navigare attraverso i misteri infiniti di questo caleidoscopio magico inondato di luce in cui stupiti ci troviamo ad esistere, e che chiamiamo il nostro mondo.

We navigate in an uncertain sea of colours and have at our disposal good maps with which to orientate ourselves. But between our mental maps and reality there is the same distance as between the charts of sailors and the fury of the waves crashing against the cliffs, where the gulls hover and cry. 

That fragile web, our mental organization, is little more than a clumsy tool for navigating through the infinite mysteries of this magical light-flooded kaleidoscope in which we are amazed to exist and that we call our world.

Helgoland, Carlo Rovelli

Image credits: Jupiter Blues – Enhanced Image by Gerald Eichstädt and Sean Doran (CC BY-NC-SA) based on images provided Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS



remota erroris nebula

Dissipating the mist of error – Dissipando le tenebre dell’errore


Juvenal’s Tenth Satire 3-4
Image: NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Resembling the hair in Botticelli’s famous portrait of the birth of Venus, an image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has captured softly glowing filaments streaming from hot young stars in a nearby nebula. These wispy clouds of glowing gas make up a nebula known as N44C. It is part of the larger N44 complex, which includes young, hot, massive stars, other nebulas, and a “superbubble” blown out by multiple supernova explosions.


Morning is due to all –
To some – the Night –
To an imperial few –
The Auroral Light –

Il Mattino spetta a tutti –
Ad alcuni – la Notte –
A un’imperiale esiguità –
La Luce dell’Aurora –

Morning is due to all — Emily Dickinson, 1577
Sunrise view at the International Space Station
Image Credit: NASA




Too anxious to wait for the official processed image, employees from the Voyager Telecommunications Section at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, attached digital image data into numbers printed on strips of paper side by side to a display panel and hand coloured their numbers, like a paint-by-numbers picture. 
The completed image was framed and presented to JPL director,
providing the first close-range image of Mars.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Dan Goods
Space probe Mariner 4, July 15th 1965. 

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